The Berks LaunchBox recently awarded five startup companies with newly funded, “Grow Your Startup Grants,” which provide entrepreneurs participating in Berks LaunchBox programs with $500 towards a need they have identified, specifically relating to talent or education.
Penn State Berks is celebrating its history while preparing students for the future through National Engineers Week events and activities, to be held Feb. 22 to 26.
Two years after the Berks LaunchBox opened its doors within the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts in downtown Reading in January 2019, it is clear that entrepreneurship and innovation have sparked positivity and harnessed energy within the Greater Reading community.
Amber Breidegam and Kimberly Henrich were surprised to see each other when they began the Practical Nursing Program at Penn State Berks in August 2019.
Tracey Witmyer compares earning a college degree to climbing a mountain; she should know as she has done both. She graduated with a bachelor of arts in communication arts and sciences.
The Penn State Berks LaunchBox recently partnered with several other Penn State LaunchBoxes to offer the startup challenge virtual accelerator, a one-week program that aimed to help entrepreneurs to build their business idea and craft an elevator pitch.
The Penn State Berks LaunchBox and the Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Northeastern Pennsylvania have teamed up to support entrepreneurs in Berks County.